Sunday 16 December 2012 @ 17:10 | 0 comments

So, Me, Haikal & Dorathy hangouts on 15.12.2012. Our first attention is to go to Mizz Nina,  BoB and Far East Movement. Yeah, we went to. Then suddenly rain heavily. Hahaha we were laughing like crazy. Yeay it's raining and what ever. Haha. Actually, I don't really like Mizz Nina, BoB and Far East Movement so so Haikal and Dorathy. So we decided to go back to Times Square. Hahaha. 

First we went to the McD to eat. Well Haikal is extremely hungry. Pity him. Hahah and he ask me to finish my nuggets no matter what happened. Haihhhhhhhhh. I ate it and thank God I didn't puke. Hahaha. If not, I don't know what to say. Actually I was so excited when he gave me his phone and spec ask me for hold it for a while :p Hehehehehe okay enough. :p phewww~

Pity Haikal a lot! He looks exhausted. Me and Dorathy are following him like we're tourists. Lol. We didn't even know how to take LRTs. Hahahahaha. First time what, I'm taking public transport. My legs are killing me on that time. Hahaha then we took LRTs back to Imbi. Then walk walk walk walk walk until TS. We all have no idea where to go and what to do. So we decided to go to the cinema. Hahaha

You know what, We watched Lagenda Budak Setan 2. Hahah First time I watch malay movies at the cinema. Cool isn't it? Teeheeeee. Then waiting for a while for doors to open. Lol. Finally the door has opened. Yeay. *go inside the theater* Waiting for the movies to start. Well, I almost sleep. Dorathy is busy chatting with his boyfriend and Haikal, I don't know what did he did. I just focused at the screen. Haha


Suddenly Haikal whispered to me that he's not feeling well. His heart hurts ): His chest too tight and hard to breathe. Seriously on that time. I'm so extremely damn freaking worried about him. I asked him whether want to go back home now or not. Then he just smile and said 'I'm okay' And I was like... Erm okay...... Then he whispered to me again, 'Sejuk' So, I asked him to longer his cloth's sleeves. He looked so sicked. Seriously. I am so so so so worried. But he just keep saying I'm okay I'm okay. So okay then. 

I will never ever forget the moments that I had with him. Never. Ilove him so much. And forever will. NO ONE can replace his place in deep inside my heart even though when he's gone.. Ilove Haikal, and only Haikal. No other. He is mine forever and I'm Haikal's forever. I promise I won't leave him alone. Btw, It's hurt me when see his hurt. When he is in the pain and I can't do anything. I just wanna cry. I know he had a rough times. But I'll face the pain with him, together 

Muhammad Haikal bin Jalil ♥
"I love him forever "